Ways to Worship
with Us
​In person at 9:15am Sunday morning in our sanctuary.
On the radio Sunday evenings at 7:00pm on
Online on our YouTube channel later on Sunday mornings. Click the link below to get to our YouTube channel.

Welcome to Watseka First United Methodist Church!
Our vision is to be a place where our neighbors of all ages can experience God, share hope, and be changed by God's vast love.
Join our Mailing List
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails we send out with news, or special service events & opportunities. ​Click here to sign up.
Prayer Requests
Do you or anyone else need prayers. Click here to send us your prayer requests.
Small Groups
Small groups are always forming at Watseka UMC. Kids and adults of all ages can find a group on Sunday morning and beyond. Click here for more information.
Our Mission
As a part of the United Methodist Church, our mission is to make disciples for the transformation of the world. Click here for more information on the United Methodist Church.​